Altus Portfolio Performance
Gain a transparent view into the financial performance of your CRE portfolio or development project.
Altus Portfolio Performance leverages our technology and expertise to help maximize performance across your assets, portfolios and funds.
Technology, analytics and expertise to provide you with greater insights
Our technology, analytics and expert services combined enable better decision-making to accurately evaluate potential investments, identify risks, understand portfolio impacts and find opportunities to add value through the investment lifecycle.
Operational efficiency
Reduce time spent preparing cashflow models and forecasts. and stay compliant with high quality quarterly reports.
Decision making
Use higher quality data and streamline your analysis enabling you to create more accurate forecasts.
Financial performance
Increase the overall performance of your portfolio, with actionable recommendations on key performance drivers.
Mitigate portfolio risk
Unlock deeper insights into your portfolio, empowering you to make informed financial decisions and optimize performance.
Investor reporting
Improve investor confidence with deeper insights and reporting from an asset, portfolio or fund perspective.
funds supported
assets advised on valuation, worth more than $1T USD
monitored in debt and guarantees
What we do
Technology, analytics and expertise to address your CRE valuation needs
Improve operational efficiency and mitigate portfolio risk
With Altus Portfolio Performance, you can leverage our industry standard ARGUS Enterprise technology to perform asset cash flow modeling and forecasting.
You can also run detailed scenario analysis to understand the impact of changes to your KPIs, and generate detailed reports for all your internal and investor needs.
Fund modeling and scenario analysis
With Altus Portfolio Performance, you can leverage ARGUS Taliance to model an entire portfolio of real estate funds through an interactive interface, to quickly view your investment structure over time.
You can also drill down into each individual investment entity or even adjust models to configure waterfall distributions and distribution-per-unit calculations, allowing you to forecast stakeholder returns confidently.
Debt monitoring and analysis
With Altus Portfolio Performance, you can leverage Fairways Debt to simplify debt monitoring and position tracking.
You can also manage complex positions, including derivatives and structured transactions, while providing a centralized platform to monitor all debt indicators, such as historical and forecasted interest amounts, cash flow schedules, fees, and repayments.
Assess development opportunities and stay on top of project costs
By combining our technology, data and cost management services, you receive a streamlined process to determine the financial availability of your next development opportunity.
You can also leverage our ARGUS EstateMaster and ARGUS Developer solutions, to better plan and inform your development decisions, run detailed scenario analysis and understand how changes in the market are impacting your budget, schedule and other project KPIs.
Latest insights
Dec 18, 2024