Altus Market Insights
Incorporate market intelligence and predictive analytics into your daily workflows and key decision-making.
Altus Market Insights allows you to leverage predictive analytics and market data to better manage your CRE investment, researching and deal sourcing strategies.
Technology, analytics and expertise to unlock CRE intelligence
When you partner with Altus you get access to our leading technologies, empowering you to harness the potential of machine learning and data science.
You also benefit from our team of skilled data scientists and industry experts, enhancing your ability to effectively model and swiftly evaluate risks and opportunities.
Data coverage
Leverage our exclusive network of private and public data network providers ensuring you have reliable and accurate data.
CRE intelligence
Elevate your research and analysis, with the most comprehensive property, market and owner data across the United States.
Data feeds and APIs
Integrate our data into your internal systems for a customized experience with real time updates or receive customized data feeds.
commercial properties across the United States
sales transactions across the United States
commercial transactions in Canada
commercial listings with leasing data across Canada
What we do
Leverage our asset, market, transaction and owner data to unlock deeper insights
Deliver outsized returns with asset-specific insights
With so much uncertainty in today’s market, it is critical to have access to the right data and tools to make informed decisions.
CRE leaders need better insights and predictive analytics to drive selection, allocation and disposal decisions. Additionally, gain access to our data scientists and industry experts – and maximize your returns.
Make better and informed decisions on future Canadian developments
Combining residential development activity with land sales and proposed development activity, Altus Market Insights enables you to make better-informed decisions about key site acquisitions, faster.
Get the intel you need to make decisions about site acquisitions and new development planning by providing access on key insights on market trends like residential development activity, land sales, and proposed development activity.
Find the true owners of CRE assets and accelerate your business pipeline
Our advanced property search with more than 200+ filters, allows you to pinpoint specific commercial properties, comps, owner and contact information across the United States.
With our revolutionary proprietary algorithms, we go beyond connecting data, to provide you with detailed market insights to discover trends and key opportunities.