Benchmark Manager
Unlock market-level intelligence for superior investment decisions
Discover benchmark manager
Get unparalleled market-level intelligence powered by the world's most comprehensive valuation dataset
Adding Benchmark Manager to your ARGUS Intelligence experience provides access to essential insights to enhance your acquisition, disposition and investment management strategies.

Answer what's driving performance

Compare performance to market

Easily validate investment theses

Better understand market trends with historical data
Benchmark Manager delivers the insights needed to improve investment and asset management decisions
Comprehensive data
Leverage the richest valuation and cash flow dataset in commercial real estate.
Performance attribution
Use interactive dashboards to dynamically assess and respond to performance data.
Allocation and selection support
Evaluate the impact of various scenarios on your portfolio's performance.
Make data-driven decisions with confidence
Portfolio managers
Compare results with market trends and understand why your portfolio is performing better/worse at different stages in the cycle.
Asset managers
Maximize revenue from each asset or a broader portfolio by comparing performance with market trends.
Research teams
Evaluate if your market forecasts align with the strengths of your portfolio.
Heads of transactions
Assess how transactions (buy or sell) impact the valuation demographic or fund performance.
Heads of valuations
Ensure assumptions are in line with average levels for specific property types or geographies.
Get answers to commonly asked questions about Benchmark Manager
What is Benchmark Manager?
Benchmark Manager is a powerful tool that combines advanced cash flow modeling and valuation capabilities with interactive performance attribution analysis to provide key insights into asset, portfolio and fund-level performance for commercial real estate investors.
How does Benchmark Manager help in decision-making?
Benchmark Manager provides critical insights into yield and cash flow impacts, and allocation and selection effects to help investors, managers and research make better asset management and investment decisions.
Who can benefit from using Benchmark Manager?
Portfolio managers, asset managers, researchers, heads of transactions, and heads of valuation can all benefit from the strategic insights and comprehensive data provided by Benchmark Manager.
What kind of data does Benchmark Manager use?
Benchmark Manager leverages the world's most comprehensive valuation and cash flow dataset in commercial real estate, providing users with robust and reliable data for analysis.
How can I get started with Benchmark Manager?
To get started with Benchmark Manager, contact us to learn more and schedule a demo. Our team will guide you through the features and benefits of the product.
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